Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Rayanna....

Across the ocean and a world away, our soon to be daughter turned nine today. It's been a tough day knowing our daughter is having her birthday alone without her family. But, if God's willing this will be the last one. On a happier note, I did find out today that our first court hearing has been scheduled for January 31st. That is good news, although it really doesn't give me an idea of when we may travel. We could get our final ruling from the court and "The Call" that we can make travel plans as soon as 3 weeks after first hearing but could be as long as 3 months. Usually travel is 4 weeks after "The Call". I also asked our agency why I have not recieved any updates at all. We have recieved a few pictures but no written update. With Rebecka we got an update every month. Maybe different Social Workers has something to do with it. I'm really not sure. But whatever the reason our agency told me to write a letter to the orphange Social Worker requesting information and asking specific questions about her and how she feels about the adoption and any concerns or questions she may have. So I will get to work on that ASAP, I'm dying to know how she feels about this. Well, I'll let you know if I hear anything. Please say a prayer and a wish for a speedy court process.


Annie said...

Sarah Grace just had her 8th birthday in Taiwan....It is hard knowing they are celebrating their birthday without family. I hope you get an update on Rayanna soon. It must be hard not knowing how she's feeling. That's great that you have your court hearing scheduled already! We still haven't heard when ours is for Sarah Grace. :( I hope things move quickly after the court hearing- here's to travel in March!

Sarah k said...

Happy Birthday Rayanna!!! Stay on your agency hon! I will email you later......

Nicole said...

I know next year Rayanna's birthday will be so wonderful!! How exciting that your court date is this month! That was fast! :)

Joe said...

Happy Birthday to Ryanna, and you guys are always in my prayers.

Joe said...

Happy Birthday to Ryanna, and you guys are always in my prayers

Sherry said...

Of course I'll be wishing for a speedy court process! Hope you get some written updates soon & hope that her transition is an easy one:)

R... said...

Wishing you speedy courts and speedy travels!


Carrie said...

I a friend of my mother in law thought I should contact you-we are adopting from China 6 year old girl! She is will be turning 7 March 17th! Our web blogg is http://kreuersjourney.blogspot.com
My name is Carrie. your family is wonderful. Good luck on your new daughter!