Saturday, February 23, 2008

Check out the Fingers....

Some of you may be thinking "why the heck would you want that?". But, there are many of you who know exactly why i'd want that. I thought this was the find of a lifetime when I saw it. All of us here in America know that this is the "peace" sign, but those of us with Chinese or Taiwanese children know this is what all the people do when having thier picture taken. I'm really not quite sure why, maybe someone can enlighten me on that. Rebecka says it just means "yaayyyy!".

When I brought it home the kids thought it was so cool. Stephanie (my exchange student) was bewildered as to why they would sell that here in America, I had to explain to her the meaning of it here. She had no idea.

No news on the waiting, except we are still waiting. It was very dissapointing to have the week come to an end with no call. God's timing Jaclyn, God's timing Jaclyn!

Friday, February 15, 2008

I Think We Are Getting Close!....

I don't want to get my hopes up, but I get the feeling we may be getting "THE CALL" anytime now. I could be getting ahead of myself, but I heard from my Adoption Agency today that they talked to Chung-Yi (orphange) and was told the hearing went very well. Although the birth Aunt did not show up to represent the family as expected, the judge was Ok with that and really didn't ask too many questions. He did speak with Xiao-Mei about her feelings regarding being adopted and she said she wanted to be adopted by the Carlisle Family (though i'm sure not in those words). That is good for us, it sounds like it's an open and shut case. The rest of the paperwork that gets finished by the Social Workers was done and handed into the court yesterday. Soooo, all we do now is wait for the judge to sign the paperwork and 10 days later it will finalized. Then we would travel 2-4 weeks after that. He could sign as soon as today or he could sit on it for a while. Lets just pray he is ready to get her to her family soon.

My brother Ron is coming tomorrow to help Eric put up French Doors in the front room so we can use it as a bedroom. We will move Josephs room to that room as soon as it is ready and then paint Xiao-Mei's room. Her furniture is ready to be delivered as soon as the room is ready. I think we need to start getting ready faster now!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Rayanna Recieved our Gifts....

After finding out that Rayanna never recieved our package we sent her for Christmas, we were very upset. I had sent her some special things including a photo album and a necklace. The necklace has a cross pendant and is the same one we had sent Rebecka in her first care package. Our agency worked hard to find out what happened to the package and why she never recieved it. Today I recieved update pictures of Rayanna with the package and the one we sent her 2 weeks ago. Better late than never and I was just relieved to see she had gotten it. She is wearing the necklace which was nice to see.

We have not recieved any word yet about the court hearing, but are still hoping to hear something soon.


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Chinese New Years....

We celebrated Chinese New Year Taiwanese style today. We had lots of our adoption friends and their families come to celebrate with us. It was really fun preparing all of the traditional must have dishes for CNY. Check out the pictures closely, you may notice some things a little different than the way we Americans do things. Like the heads still on the fish and the chickens. I know, gross you may say, but thats the way the Chinese cook it and it still tasted the same. But for some reason I still have alot of leftovers. Thanks to all of our friends who came to make this day special for us and our children. I know they appreciate that we care about their culture also.

CNY Pictures....

CNY Pictures....

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

They Went Swimming With The What!!!!.....

Hi everyone, on Saturday the girls and I went away for a girls only weekend with some of my adoption friends and thier daughters. My friends Tracy and Gina and Rhonda and I and all our girls went to Rhondas house on the Homassasa River. Thank you so much Rhonda for your hospitality and for a great weekend! We went on Rhondas boat out into the river and there were about a dozen Manatees swimming around the waters. Manatees are very large animals also called "sea cows" they are very big but very very gentle. All the girls got right into the really cold 72 degree water and swam with the Manatees. They went right up to them and petted them, it was so amazing and the girls were so thrilled. It really was the most incredible thing. Thanks again for inviting us along.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Update Pictures....

We recieved new pictures today of Rayanna, she is so cute, we can't wait to get her home.

Our court date has come and gone and no word yet. Not sure when we will hear news but hopfully this week our agency will get an update from Taiwan about what happened at the hearing. I'm just praying all went well and the Judge was happy with everything and didn't ask for anything more, which could delay the case. Please pray for the Judge to move fast.
Rayanna is the one in the gray sweatshirt in one picture and the white one in the other.