Friday, February 15, 2008

I Think We Are Getting Close!....

I don't want to get my hopes up, but I get the feeling we may be getting "THE CALL" anytime now. I could be getting ahead of myself, but I heard from my Adoption Agency today that they talked to Chung-Yi (orphange) and was told the hearing went very well. Although the birth Aunt did not show up to represent the family as expected, the judge was Ok with that and really didn't ask too many questions. He did speak with Xiao-Mei about her feelings regarding being adopted and she said she wanted to be adopted by the Carlisle Family (though i'm sure not in those words). That is good for us, it sounds like it's an open and shut case. The rest of the paperwork that gets finished by the Social Workers was done and handed into the court yesterday. Soooo, all we do now is wait for the judge to sign the paperwork and 10 days later it will finalized. Then we would travel 2-4 weeks after that. He could sign as soon as today or he could sit on it for a while. Lets just pray he is ready to get her to her family soon.

My brother Ron is coming tomorrow to help Eric put up French Doors in the front room so we can use it as a bedroom. We will move Josephs room to that room as soon as it is ready and then paint Xiao-Mei's room. Her furniture is ready to be delivered as soon as the room is ready. I think we need to start getting ready faster now!!!


Nicole said...

Yeah!! That is GREAT news!! Maybe we will both get to travel to meet our girls and bring them home in March!!

Sarah k said...

Man.. I wanted to be first!!! This sounds SOOOO Promising!! I am pulling for you. I told you my guess was late March early April for travel

Kaye said...

WoHoo!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!! Hoping for a Monday or Tuesday Call!


Carrie said...

ooh-you will have to post pictures of before and after of the bedroom! I love seeing that! no travel approval yet for us still waiting-the agency said it should be this week!

Annie said...

ooh, I hope you are right! It would be great if you could travel soon!

Ann said...

I hope that it's soon for you guys!!! It's going to be so exciting.