Hello Everyone...Happy Easter! We had a nice quiet dinner at home with Mom and Dad after an early Easter service. The kids had great fun with their Easter baskets and finding eggs. Thank you God for this wonderful day and the reason we celebrate it.
....So I can lite a fire under the ass of this Judge. So much for thinking fast hearing , fast ruling. This adoption has now officially taken longer than with Rebecka. We all (including our agency) thought this one would fly by, since the orphange already knew us we thought we would get through quickly. See what I get for thinking. We are well past the 8 month mark which is when we got Rebecka (8months and 2 days). We are at 12 weeks in the courts and we got the call for Rebecka at 11 weeks. So as you can all imagine we are just about the end of our ropes with the wait. I talked to our agency yesterday and there was no news to tell us at all, all we can do it wait. wait wait wait. waahh waahh waahh. stay tuned, you'll hear me screaming from the rooftop when the call finally comes....
hello everyone. I know the last time I updated we were expecting to get "The Call" any day. Well it's been weeks now, and still nothing. I've come to the conclusion we must have one of the infamous "slow" Judges we hear about and pray not to get. You know when you get sick and finally give in to going to the doctor? It always seems like when you get there, you feel better. Well i'm hoping that if I send out my blog to everyone telling them we have not heard anything, my phone will ring soon. I'm willing to try anything at this point. Everyone is tired of waiting, we are so ready to go get our daughter now. Please continue your prayers for us. Jaclyn
Today Eric and I celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary. We had a few hours to enjoy each other going out for dinner and just spending time together without the kids. Thank you Stephanie for babysitting for us.
Another week has passed without any word. I am beyond frustrated now, I was expecting to get the call two weeks ago. I guess I was getting ahead of myself. All we can do is keep waiting and hoping that the Judge has mercy on us soon.