Friday, April 4, 2008

Is It Lost????

I think I know what must have happened with our case. My theory is maybe the cleaning lady in the Judges office threw it away. Maybe the Judge spilled tea all over it. Maybe the window was open and it blew under the bookcase. Maybe the Judge took it home to look over and the dog ate it. Maybe someone filed it in the "never look at again" drawer. Maybe his kid made an airplane out of it and threw it out the window. Maybe the judge retired and noone took over his cases. Maybe the court house burned down.

If anyone has any other theories I'd love to hear them. Something must have happened because this is getting ridiculous now. It has been 3 months since we entered the courts and I cannot get an answer from anyone. I'm tired of the waiting game. wait wait wait...


Carrie said...

he went suba driving with it and a shark ate it along with him I hope! sorry to here about this wait you are going through-it was a total of 8 months for MJ so i know the feeling! but it is all God's timing and ever thought it sucks to hear-he knows best for us! try to go have some fun with your family to get your mind a bit of a break from waiting-or read a book on what makes you laugh or well have agood old cry-I know I did that towards the end of my wait! our prayers our with you!

Sarah k said...

Hey hon, working with ML I could give you some more realistic reasons.. but I won' Let's just say that one Taiwan citizen went to get a paper for registration for a home and they handed him a paper for "filing against a crime" paper at their courts! lol. Don't worry hon. It is coming, it HAS TO BE!!!!!! If you need to talk or vent or cry or laugh for no reason at all, you have my number girl! By the way, David still laughs about the AiAi days when she would look at you and point at Eric and go "mommy, Dadddddyyy" He drives me nuts with that memory, but it was funny.

Nicole said...

Ugh!! I know you are SO READY to hear...I know the wait has to be so frustrating! Keep me posted! Praying the judge will get his rear in gear this week! Happy Spring to you all!