Saturday, May 3, 2008

No News is Bad News..

Actually it's just no news at all. It's been over 3 months since we've had our court hearing. My adoption agency says nothing is wrong it's just taking a long time. And if you ask any of us it's taking an excruciatingly long, ridiculously absolutally unnessesary long time. Some day maybe the Judge will have mercy on us, until then we sit and wait and wonder how our little girl is doing growing older each day in an orphange when she could be here with her family. Maybe the judge just never thought of it that way. << sarcasm...............


Sarah k said...

I am sorry hon! This stinks! I just don't understand what could possibly be taking so dog gone long!!!!!

Carrie said...

sorry-I really hate the waiting for nothing stupid crappy part of adoption!

Ann said...

THis stinks!! It feels like the courts are baglogged as well, but seriously how long does it take to sign some can't really take in excess of three months!! BUGGERS@!!!