Finally...11 months and 14 days after starting this journey to our daughter we will be recieving Rayanna Xiao-Mei Carlisle into our Family on June 23rd,2008. It's hard to believe the time had finally arrived, we were beginning to think it was never going to happen. Although we're all happy to recieve the call on Wednesday it didn't come without a new complication. Seems that although Rayanna's birth mother signed off her rights to allow Rayanna to be adopted she still held Power Of Attorney over her as her birth mother. When we adopted Rebecka the orphange had POA because there was no birth family involved. If you remember when we started this adoption there was a delay while they located Rayanna's birth mother to sign the paperwork, now although the courts say we are legally her adoptive parents the problem comes in with getting her passport. From what I understand they need either her birth mother who still has POA or her adoptive parents to file for the passport. Her birth mother is nowhere to be found and her adoptive parents are here in America. So, initially when we got the call on Wednesday, they wanted us to get on a plane next week fly to Taiwan and stay for 2 weeks while we applied and waited for her passport. For many reason that was not a good idea, What if there was a problem, we can't get stuck in Taiwan! The kids are at the end of the school year and we all are planning to go. That would be right in the middle of exams. So I told them I didn't think that would be possible. Our agency said we may be be able to do the paperwork via mail, it will take longer but they have agreed on letting us pick up Rayanna on June 23rd so we can wait for the kids to get out of school. So as it stands now we will be leaving on June 20th to head over there, but we still have to figure out how to straighten out the problem with the passport before we go.
But at least we are seeing the end of the road and in 6 weeks Rayanna will come home forever.
Mom to Joseph 15, Jesse 11, Rebecka 11, and Rayanna 9
Congrats-abd Amen!
WOO HOO!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! It is about time!!!!! I can't wait. I wish we could go with you again, but you should know your way around!!!!! I am so excited for you guys! This is WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!! Ok, so I can't believe it is finally here!!! It should have been here like months ago of course, but hey, let's happy dance for Rayanna's comin home!!!!!
Yah!!!! I'm so glad you're coming too! I wish we could travel together. Great talking to you and I'm praying for a great airfare for you and for me!
Wonderful news. Now go get your daughter!!!
CONGRATULATIONS Sister-inlaw & brother in-law...and the rest of the Carlisle kids. What better day to read some good news than on mother's Day...and Happy Mother's Day. Sorry we didn't get to see ya's. It was a quick trip, tried to get both sets of parents and the kids were home by themselves. Jaclyn, I read Anns blog, her baby is beautiful and if I read it correct, she is from North Port...hhmmm I think you know someone else from North Port?? LOL. Gonna run. by behind is sore from the ride. Chat with you soon.
Love ya,
Congrats!!!! So happy for you guys. I can't wait for Lily and Rayanna to talk on the web cam when you get home with her!!! Yeahh!!!
Yeah! I was so happy to read that you are traveling in June!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!
congratulations!!! I was so happy to see that you finally have a travel date.
love inger
What a patient, patient woman you are! (not by choice you are saying right?!) Oh my goodness this is amazing and wonderful and congratulations! Hope your kids can concentrate on finals with all this anticipation going on. Here's hoping the passport situation gets cleared up soon but oh my.... YOU are on your way!!!! Yeah Rayanna! She's patient too... oh my she is. This is so special; I am so happy for you all. Safe Travels, Best Wishes and Take Care! =0) Sara
Yeah! Glad you finally got a travel date. Sorry to hear about the complications and I hope everything works out quickly and easily once you are in Taiwan.
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