We had this sign made for Rayanna's room with her Chinese name. Rebecka has one with her chinese name hanging above her bed. They are so cute...
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Visiting Santa....
Tonight we went to see Santa. The kids all sat on Santa's lap to tell him their list of wants. They went pretty easy on him, the list was not unbearable...LOL. This was Stephanies first time seeing Santa and sitting on his lap, she wasn't sure what to ask for so she said she wanted whatever we gave her. She is so sweet. Thank you Santa!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Update Pictures...

Hi everyone. I woke this morning to a couple new pictures of Rayanna in my E-Mail. There was no written update which dissapoints me since I have not recieved a written update or word from Rayanna about how she feels about us and the adoption. Hopefully that will come soon, but till then we have been getting some pictures to enjoy. I'm hoping to see her with a smiling face soon. We may have to work on that when she gets here. Seems she has had reason to be sad in her life and we are hoping to turn that around. She is so cute and someday soon we will help her to smile. The paper she is holding in one of the pictures is an award she got from Physical Education Class in School. She looks very proud.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
AND THEIR OFF! ! !....To Taiwan that is....

Our contracts were FED-EXed from FFC today to Taiwan. We should enter the courts within a couple of weeks. I don't expect to hear anything until we have had a ruling from the courts. I will start counting the weeks on Sunday the 6th of January. Our agency said the average has been about 4-5 months to get through the courts. We made it through the courts with Rebecka in 11 weeks, I'm hoping for that. Wish us luck everyone, and pray we get through the courts in record time. I'll let you know if we hear anything and of course post pictures as soon as we get blessed with another update.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
We Are Inching Closer...
Yesterday our contracts arrived from TECO to our agency, FFC. Less than a week, that was fast. Laura from FFC told me they would review the documents and should have them mailed off to Taiwan by Friday. Hopefully not too long before we enter the courts now.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hi Ho Hi Ho.....It's off to TECO they go!
We recieved our documents via FED-EX at 2:30 today. Eric and I had them signed and notarized and off to TECO by 5:30. That was after making a ton of copies. This is a great big step done. If there are no problems with the contracts and things go smoothly, they should be back to Families For Children by early next week. Then hopefully not to long before we are in the Taiwan courts and waiting on "THE CALL"
Monday, December 10, 2007
Merry Christmas Rayanna
Today I sent out our first gift package for Rayanna. The adoption agency will be sending them to Taiwan soon and she will recieve it just in time for Christmas. I hope Rayanna will be excited to recieve a package from her new Mom and Dad. I included a necklace with a beautiful silver cross. Rebecka wanted me to send Rayanna the same one I sent her, so thats what we did. Rebecka was very excited about that. We all included a personal letter to her also. Rebecka didn't want to write hers in Chinese and after a little encouraging she agreed to do it. I think she is having trouble remembering because Stephanie had to help her with some words. I told Rebecka how important she would be to me to help translate when Rayanna comes home. I also included a small photo alblum which she would be able to keep for herself. Some small Christmas toys and Candy too of course.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Happy Birthday Joe
Today is my oldest sons 15th birthday.
Happy Birthday Joe Shmo!!! We love you man!
Mom, Eric, Jesse, Rebecka and Stephanie
Happy Birthday Joe Shmo!!! We love you man!
Mom, Eric, Jesse, Rebecka and Stephanie
Our Contracts are in America! ! ! !
We recieved a call at 10:30 last night from Laura at FFC, she was very surprised to open her mail and find our contracts. Yes, thats right everyone, our contracts have arrived in America.
We should recieve them either Monday or Wednesday. I want one of us to be home to get mail in hand as this is the one and only copy of our contracts. After we recieve them , Eric and I will need to get them all notorized and sent off to TECO "Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office" in Miami to be Authenticated. They make sure our contracts are real and legal and give the OK to proceed. I think that went pretty fast with Rebecka, if I remeber right, we recieved the "Authenticated" contracts back in only a few days. Then they will go back to FFC who will send them to Taiwan and we should enter the courts right after that.
This has been a long wait for the contracts, but now we will be one step closer to bringing our daughter home!
We should recieve them either Monday or Wednesday. I want one of us to be home to get mail in hand as this is the one and only copy of our contracts. After we recieve them , Eric and I will need to get them all notorized and sent off to TECO "Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office" in Miami to be Authenticated. They make sure our contracts are real and legal and give the OK to proceed. I think that went pretty fast with Rebecka, if I remeber right, we recieved the "Authenticated" contracts back in only a few days. Then they will go back to FFC who will send them to Taiwan and we should enter the courts right after that.
This has been a long wait for the contracts, but now we will be one step closer to bringing our daughter home!
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