Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hi Ho Hi Ho.....It's off to TECO they go!

We recieved our documents via FED-EX at 2:30 today. Eric and I had them signed and notarized and off to TECO by 5:30. That was after making a ton of copies. This is a great big step done. If there are no problems with the contracts and things go smoothly, they should be back to Families For Children by early next week. Then hopefully not to long before we are in the Taiwan courts and waiting on "THE CALL"

1 comment:

Annie said...

Yeah! I hadn't checked your site for awhile. I'm glad you finally got your contract. You got it mailed off to TECO in record time! Here's hoping for a FAST court process!

We heard that Kai Wei's civil ruling has been made, so now we're just waiting on Sarah Grace. It's getting closer!